The dialect lexicon in a female autobiographical corpus from the beginning of the 20th century
The digital edition of Irene Rocas’ 18 diaries presently forms a biographical corpus of more than one million words. Rocas collaborated with the Majorcan dialectologist Antoni M. Alcover (Manacor 1862 - Palma 1932) by collecting and submitting linguistic data from Llofriu, the village where she was born. This paper analyzes the lexicon contained in the diaries from a quantitative point of view. The analysis has been carried out using the computer program WordSmith Additionally, 310 dialectal words have been selected for a more thorough study which includes: their geographic scope, whether they are included in the Diccionari català-valencià-balear (DCVB) and their formal and semantic deviations from the norm.
Language Corpora, Diaries, Catalan, Lexicon, Dialectal VariationReferences
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Copyright (c) 2012 Maria-Pilar Perea
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