The editing of texts of complaints: preliminary proposals around a discursive historical corpus
Recent historical research on Romance languages has been updated using concepts such as speech acts from the field of Pragmatics, or discourse tradition rooted in the variationist ideas of German linguists. Equally, new methodologies like corpus linguistics are used to expand the database on which our analysis is based. This study presents the theoretical foundations for the creation of a diachronic discourse corpus in Spanish which aims to combine these new developments offering researchers a set of texts of varied origin and diachrony, whose common factor is that they are used to express complaints. The relationship between discourse tradition and acts of speech is discussed and samples are presented to show the linguistic results that can be provided by this type of corpus.
Discourse tradition, Speech act, Complaints, History of SpanishReferences
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Copyright (c) 2014 Lola Pons Rodríguez, Eva Bravo García, Blanca Garrido Martín, Álvaro Octavio de Toledo y Huerta
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