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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.

Author Guidelines

1. Introduction

To submit a New Submission, you must be registered as an author and log in with your username and password. If you have not yet registered, please go to If a new version of the manuscript is required by reviewers and/or editors, please upload it to the same website, using the same location as the original version. Don't upload it as a new article.

Texts for publication must be in an editable format (.docx, .odt, etc.) and will be published in pdf format.
The length of the text is unlimited for articles and a maximum of 5 pages for reviews. Manuscripts will not contain page numbers.
The language of the articles can be any of the Romance languages or English.

2. Normal text
The body of the article must comply with the following presentation guidelines:

  • A4 format.
  • Margins 3 cm at the top; 2.5 cm at the bottom; 3 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the right.
  • Font Calibri 12 p. (abstract size 10 p.)
  • Single spacing.
  • No space between paragraphs.
  • All text is justified.
  • The first line of each paragraph must be indented 1 cm, except for the first paragraph after a title.

3. Headers and footers
Headers and footers will be created by the editors.

4. Title

Three blank lines will be left before the title.

Then the title of the article will appear, in Calibri 14p, bold and centered followed by a blank line.

In the following paragraph the name of the author will be written in small capitals, Calibri 12p, centered.

In the next line, the name of the institution to which the author belongs will be written in Calibri 12p. italics.

In the following paragraph, the author’s email address in Calibri 12p, centered.

The following line must include the ORCID identification number:


Un corpus para el siglo XXI

Universitat de les Illes Balears

If there is more than one author, the name of the institution will go on the same line as the author in parentheses, the email address just below each name and institution, and the ORCID identification number on the bottom line.

Between the different names there will be a blank line.

5. Abstract, Keywords

After the title, institution and ORCID, two blank lines should be left before the abstract:

  • Abstract 10 p. small caps bold
  • Text of the abstract in 10 p.
  • Keywords 10 p. small caps bold

IMPORTANT: When choosing keywords, authors should consider those already used in the journal ( and create new ones only if necessary.

6. English translation of the title

If the article is written in a language other than English, an English translation of the title must be provided. The English translation will be placed below the keywords in the other language, leaving a blank space.
The translated title will be in bold, 12 pt. size and centred.
Then, leaving a blank line, add the title ABSTRACT (bold, small capitals, 10p., flush left) and immediately below the text of the abstract translated into English in 10p. normal font, flush left.
The line immediately below will contain the title KEYWORDS (bold, small capitals, 10 p., left-aligned) followed by a colon and the keywords in English (normal font, 10 p., left-aligned).

7. Headings within the text

The first section is numbered 1. There are no unnumbered sections or sections numbered 0.
Titles are not indented or tabulated.
There must be 2 blank lines before each first level title. Insert one blank line after each first level heading.
Insert only one blank line before each successive level title. If there is more than one successive title, only the appropriate space should be left before the first.
Do not use a full stop at the end of titles.
Titles in small capitals should also begin with a capital letter.
The following hierarchy and formats should be used in titles:

(two blank lines)
(one blank line)
1.1. Lower case bold, not italic 12 p
2.1.1. Lower case, not bold, not italic 12 p Lower case italic, not bold 12 p

All further levels of subdivision use the latter type.

8. Typographical conventions

Quotation marks are reserved for direct quotations.
For articles written in Romance languages, low quotation marks will be the norm ("...") and high quotation marks will be used as secondary for quotations within quotations ("..."). For papers written in English, high quotation marks are the general norm.
Meanings of words are indicated by single quotation marks (').
A distinction will be made between an em dash and an en dash according to normative usage.
Italics are used for words or phrases that are the subject of study within the article or that are used in a terminological sense.
Italics are also used for words or phrases that are foreign to the language of the article.
Latin etymologies are written in small capitals.
All Roman numerals are written in small capitals.

9. Punctuation

Parenthetical hyphens framing subparagraphs are em dashes.
Other hyphens used in prefixes or suffixes are short.
Where pairs of opposites or equivalences are used, there is no space between the bar and the terms in question: trial/sentence.
When the signs + or → are used, a space is inserted between the terms that add up or refer to each other (haber de + infinitive, 13th centuryMiddle Ages).

10. Abbreviations

Abbreviations for titles of works are given in italics (DRAE, DCVB, TMILG).
Latin abbreviations are given in italics and lower case (vid., ibíd., et al., c., cfr.).
For Spanish, the following abbreviations are used; for other languages, their equivalents are used:

  • Artículo citado = art. cit.
  • Autores Varios o Varios Autores = AA. VV. // VV. AA.
  • Capítulo(s) = cap. caps.
  • circa = ca.
  • Columna(s) = col. cols.
  • Compárese = comp.
  • Confróntese = cfr.
  • Edición(es) = ed. eds.
  • Editorial = edit.
  • en la obra = apud
  • et alii = et al.
  • Fascículo(s) = fasc. fascs.
  • Folio(s) = fol. fols.
  • Ibídem = ibíd.
  • Ídem = id.
  • Loco citato = loc. cit.
  • Manuscrito(s) = ms. mss.
  • Número(s) = n. nn.
  • Opus citatum u obra citada = op. cit.
  • Página(s) = p. pp.
  • Por ejemplo = p. e. / p. ej.
  • Siguiente(s) = sig. sigs.
  • Tomo(s) = t. ts.
  • Traducción = trad.
  • Véase = V. Vid.
  • Volumen(es) = vol. vols.

In Spanish texts, if the abbreviation contains a raised letter, the dot is placed in front of it: D.ª, M.ª.


11.1. Short quotes

If the quote is three lines or less, it is placed within the text (with the same body and font), between lower quotation marks (" "), with the reference to the author after the quotation marks.

esta función se ha ampliado desde el desarrollo de la Web a la «búsqueda expandida o la asistencia en la indización automática» (Martínez Tamayo y Mendez 2015: 68).

Smart double quotes (" ") are used to indicate citations within citations.

11.2. Long quotes

If quotes are longer than three lines, they should be placed in a separate paragraph (with a blank line before the quote and another blank line after the quote), without quotes, indented every 1 cm on the left, in Calibri 11 p font, single-spaced, and with the reference at the end of the quote before the punctuation mark.
Text deletions in a citation must be indicated by three periods between square brackets [...]. Omissions at the beginning or end of the text need not be indicated by brackets or ellipses.
A full stop is not placed at the end of the quote, but after the reference to the work.
Quotations in Romance languages or English do not need to be translated.

11.3. Quotes in footnotes

If the citations are in a footnote, they are treated as if they were a short citation in the text.

12. Footnotes

All footnotes will be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered in sequential Arabic numerals.
Notes should be single-spaced, right-justified and left-indent (0.3cm).
The body of the text must be in 10 point Calibri.
There will be no separation by paragraph marks or double spaces between different notes.
The use of notes to indicate bibliographical references should be avoided, as these will appear in the body of the text, as indicated below.


1 Con anterioridad hemos estudiado las explicaciones de las voces que Vandelvira entendía propias de canteros. Véase Herráez Cubino (en prensa).

2 Los datos que se exponen a continuación proceden de la informatización de la información referida a los lemas Diccionario (no se han tenido en cuenta las palabras contenidas en los apartados de derivados y compuestos).

12.1. References to notes in the text

References to notes in the text must be indicated by superscript numbers and must always appear before a punctuation mark (example: «lingüística1. Los diccionarios... »).

13. Examples

The examples use Calibri 11p font size with 1cm left and right spacing.
Words that need to be highlighted will be in italics.
Examples will be numbered in brackets with Arabic numerals: (1), (2), (3), etc. and numbered consecutively throughout the article, i.e. numbering will not start again at the beginning of each section. If necessary, several examples may be grouped under the same number using letters:

(2)  a. Example
       b. Example
       c. Example

Examples that are rather long should be placed in a separate paragraph (with a blank line before and another one after), indented at 1cm, with font Calibri 11p. single spacing.

14. Lists

They must follow the formatting of the examples, but with the text in 12 pt.
Numbers, letters or long dashes may be used, but NO bullets.

15. Figures, graphics and tables

Graphs, figures and tables should be centred.
If necessary, they will be accompanied by a caption describing the content of the figure or image, preceded by the text "Figure", "Table" or "Graphic" and the corresponding figure or graphic number.
This footer must be in Calibri 10 pt, centred in relation to the accompanying image or graphic, with paragraph setting: Spacing, Previous 6 points.
A blank line is left before and after the image or graphic to separate it from the text.

16. Bibliography

16.1. Bibliographic references within the text

References to the bibliography must appear in the text between parentheses if the author's name is not part of the discussion. They should be cited following the following system: author(s), year of publication and, if applicable, the page(s). There will be no comma between the author and the year. If the author's name is part of the discussion, only the year and, if applicable, the pages will be placed in parentheses. If there are several references that must appear between parentheses, they will be separated by semicolons and they will be ordered chronologically from the oldest to the most recent.

If the citation comprises several pages, the initial and final page numbers will be given, separated by a hyphen: (Corpas Pastor 1997: 53-65).

The page number is not included if the reference is to the entire work, for example: (Clavería 2004).

When references appear at the end of a period, the punctuation mark will be placed after the reference.

When the reference refers to a note, its number is placed after the page: (Tovar 1987: 43, n. 3).

If there is more than one reference by the same author and year, a letter (i.e. a, b, c, etc.) will be placed after the year. These references will be arranged in alphabetical order after the title; for example, Varela (1990a); Varela (1990b). If they are cited in the same passage, the name of the author or the year is not repeated: Varela (1990a and b).

If a bibliographical reference not yet published is cited, “in press” must be placed next to the author's last name, between parentheses. For example, Company (in press).

The web pages will be quoted without angles and maintaining the hyperlink.

References to entries in lexicographical repertoires will be indicated as follows: (Alemany, 1917: s.v. filología). If it is a dictionary without an author, the initials of the work will be included (DRAE 2001: s.v. casa).


En este aspecto, el DECH se halla en la misma línea que los tratados de formación de palabras y gramáticas históricas tradicionales como los de Hanssen (1913), Alemany Bolufer (1920), entre otros.

Cotarelo Mori (1914: 111-114) ha recogido los datos bibliográficos que, en los primeros años de redacción del Diccionario, hicieron llegar algunos académicos a la Secretaría de la Corporación.

Así, los compuestos sintagmáticos son el tipo de compuestos que más se aproximan a la sintaxis. (Selkirk 1982: 34; Varela 1990: 45).

16.2. List of references

The list of references will be placed in an unnumbered References section, with the title in small capitals and without indentation.

A distinction can be made between References and Sources. In this case, the two subtitles will go under the title Bibliography (without numbering, in small capitals and without indentation). The subtitles of the two sections must be in normal font, bold, Calibri 12 p. The Sources will be put first and then the References.

The references must appear at the end of the article and must be in Calibri 11 p., single spacing and 1 cm French indentation. Paragraph -> Lines and page breaks -> Keep lines together.

The list of references will include only the works that have been cited in the work.

The order of the works cited will be alphabetical by author.

If the same author is repeated, the name will appear again and the different entries will be listed in chronological order.

If an author has references as a sole author and in collaboration, all the texts of which he or she is the sole author will be listed first, and then those that are in collaboration, both in chronological order.

In the event that the same author publishes two or more works in the same year, a lowercase letter (a, b, c, etc.) will be included after said year and without any space between them: Álvarez de Miranda, Pedro (2002a).

The first names of the authors must appear in full, not reduced to the initial.

16.3. References

16.3.1. Books

Surname, Name (year): Title, volume. City: Publisher, edition (Series, number).

  1. Surnames are set in small capitals but the first letter is always capitalized. After the last name, separated by a comma, the full name of the author (if known) in regular font. When necessary —for instance, as per Spanish naming conventions— two last names will appear (Sánchez Lancis, Martínez Alcalde, etc.).
    If the first surname includes the preposition de (e.g. Carlota de Benito Moreno) the preposition will be placed after the first name, and it will not count for the alphabetical order: Benito Moreno, Carlota de. This norm applies to all types of publications.
    When there is more than one author, the first one appears in the order Surname, Name, but the following ones must appear in the order Name Surname. The name is always in regular type and the surname in small capitals. Between the penultimate author and the last, the copulative coordinate conjunction must be placed (Sp. “y”, Cat. “i”, Gal. “e”, Port. “e”, Fr. “et”, Ital. “e”, Engl. “and”). The same procedure is followed if there are only two authors.
    When necessary, after the name of the editors or the publisher, add "(ed.)" or "(eds.)" before the date. The editor's first and last name go in this order and in normal typescript.

  2. The year of publication appears between parentheses, and followed by a letter in the event that several works by the same author and year are cited. Optionally, the year of the original may be specified between square brackets after the year of the consulted edition: Correas, Gonzalo (1954 [1625]): Arte de la lengua española castellana. CSIC: Madrid.

  3. Full title of the work in italics. The year and the title are separated by a colon. If the title of the work is in English, the initials of all the words that compose it (except prepositions and conjunctions) must be in capital letters. This procedure will also be followed for the titles of articles and book chapters.

  4. After the title, the abbreviated volume will appear (if necessary): “vol.”.

  5. The name of the city of publication will be preceded by a stop; then the name of the publisher should appear preceded by a colon.


AA.VV. (1993): Diccionario de literatura española. Ricardo Gullón (dir.). Madrid: Alianza.

Buenafuentes, Cristina (2003): Estudio diacrónico de las formaciones compuestas en español. Procesos de gramaticalización y lexicalización. Barcelona: Bellaterra. [Proyecto de investigación inédito].

Greenberg, Joseph (ed.) (1978): Universals of Human Language, 4 vols. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Hanssen, Federico (1913): Gramática histórica de la lengua castellana. Ed. facsímil. Buenos Aires: el Ateneo.

Hock, Hans Henrich (1991): Principles of Historical Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Moreno Garbayo, Justa (1999): La imprenta en Madrid (1626-1650) [Materiales para su estudio e inventario]. Edición, introducción e índices por Fermín de los Reyes Gómez. 2 vols. Madrid: Arco/Libros.

Ruiz, Juan (1343?): Libro del buen amor. Alberto Blecua (ed.). Madrid: Cátedra, 1992.

Traugott, Elisabeth Closs y Bernd Heine (1991): Approaches to Grammaticalization, 2 ts. Amsterdam: Benjamin.

16.3.2. Journal articles

Last name, Name (year): «Article title», Journal, volume, issue, number, pp.

The articles are cited with the aforementioned rules, but with the following caveats:

  1. The title of the article must be in regular font and between low quotation marks, and followed by a comma.

  2. At the end, the pages corresponding to the article must be detailed.

Corriente, Federico (1996): «Los arabismos del portugués», Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí, 1, pp. 5-86.

Pérez Goyena, Antonio (1922): «Contribución de los jesuitas al Diccionario de Autoridades», Razón y Fe, 63, 1, pp. 458-481.

16.3.3. Chapters in edited volumes

In chapters in edited volumes the preposition "in", or its equivalent in the language in which the article is written will be placed after the title of the chapter followed by all the editors of the volume: Name (in normal font), Last Name (in normal font). If there is more than one editor, the conjunction "and" or its equivalent in the language of the chapter is inserted before the name of the last one.

Givón, Talmy (1971): «Historical syntax and synchronic morphology: An archaeologist's field trip», en Papers from the 7th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago, pp. 394- 415.

Gonçalves, Maria Filomena (2004): «Prosopopeia del idioma portugués a su hermana la lengua castellana (1721): D. Rafael Bluteau y las lenguas peninsulares», en Actas del iv Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística (Universidad de La Laguna, 22-25 de octubre de 2003). Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 669-677.

Morales, Carmen (1998): «Derivados y compuestos del DCECH», en Giovanni Ruffino (ed.), Atti del xxi Congresso Internazionale di Lingüistica e Filologia Romanza, vol. iii. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, pp.529-534. 

16.3.4. Book chapters

Claveria, Glòria, Marta Prat y Joan Torruella (2004): «La etimología y los diccionarios etimológicos», en Paz Battaner y Janet DeCesaris (eds.), De Lexicografia. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Sèrie Activitats, 15), pp.323-336.

Torruella, Joan (2002): «Los diccionarios en la Red», en Glòria Clavería (coord.), Filología en Internet. Bellaterra: UAB, Seminario de Filología e Informática (Cuadernos de Filología, 4), pp. 21-41.

Weinreich, Uriel, William Labov y Marvin I. Herzog (1968): «Empirical Foundations for a Theory of Language Change», en Winfred Philipp Lehmann y Yakov Malkiel (eds.), Directions for Historical Linguistics. Austin: University of Texas Press.

16.3.5. Wooks within collections

Colón, Germà (1976): El léxico catalán en la Romania. Madrid: Gredos (BRH, Estudios y Ensayos, 245).

Herráiz Gascueña, Mariano (1986): Nueva perspectiva sobre Hervás y Panduro. Cuenca: Gaceta Conquense (Cuadernos de la Gaceta 3).

16.3.6. Books integrated into reprints or new editions

Real Academia Española (1726-1739): Diccionario de la lengua castellana, 6 vols. Madrid: Imprenta de Francisco del Hierro-Herederos de Francisco del Hierro. [Reimpresión facsímil, Diccionario de Autoridades, 3 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1990].

Lázaro Carreter, Fernando (1985 [1949]): Las ideas lingüísticas en España durante el siglo xviii. Barcelona: Crítica [Nueva reimpresión con un prólogo de Manuel Breva Claramonte].

Díaz de Games, Gutierre (1994 [1431-1449]): El Victorial. Madrid: Taurus [Edición de Rafael Beltrán Llavador].

16.3.7. Translated works

Eco, Umberto (1994 [1993]): La búsqueda de la lengua perfecta. Barcelona: Grijalbo Mondadori (Libro de mano 57) [Traducción española por María Pons].

16.3.8. Electronic editions

Clavería, Glòria, Laura Muñoz, Marta Prat y Joan Torruella (eds.) (2005): «Índex del lèxic estudiat en l’obra de Germà Colón», en Gloria Claveria y Cristina Buenafuentes (eds.), Germà Colón: les llengües romàniques juntes i contrastades. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB (Cuadernos de Filología, 5) [CD-ROM].

NTLLE = Real Academia Española (2001): Nuevo Tesoro Lexicográfico de la Lengua Española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe [DVD].

Real Academia Española (2003): Diccionario de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 22.ª [CD-ROM].

16.3.9. Web pages

Gelpí, Cristina (1999): «Diccionarios del español en Internet», Biblio 3W. Revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, 189. [Consulta: 19/2/2017].

Millán, José Antonio: La página de los diccionarios. [Consulta: 19/2/2017].

DRAE = Real Academia Española: Diccionario de la lengua española. [Consulta: 19/2/2017].

16.3.10. Manuscripts

López de Arenas, Diego (mss. 1619): Primera y sigunda parte de las reglas de carpintería.

Llanos, García de (mss. ca. 1609-11): Diccionario y maneras de hablar que usan en las minas.

16.3.11. Doctoral dissertations

If the director is to be cited, it will be done at the end of the reference as follows:

Simón Parra, María (2009): El nombre de persona en la documentación medieval. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá. Tesis Doctoral dirigida por Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja. 

16.3.12. Other

If there are two editions of the same work, they will be separated by a forward slash, without a space before and after, and not by hyphens.

Dictionaries and corpora are cited by the acronym, in capital letters and italics, followed by a space and the equals sign =.

16.4. Bibliographical sources

If a bibliographical sources section is included, it will list the texts that have served as the basis for the extraction of the examples throughout the work. The list of sources will follow the citation system indicated above. In the event that unpublished materials are cited, the reference to their location in archives or libraries must be included; in the rest of the cases it will be optional.

If the author has used keywords at the end of each example to refer to the textual source (between square brackets), said keywords will be arranged alphabetically in the bibliographic sources section, and will be referenced as follows:

Cartagena de Indias 1667 = Testimonio de la causa que se fulminó contra don Gómez de Atienza Velázquez por el enfrentamiento público que tuvo con Bernardo de la Hoz a causa de las licencias para matar puercos. A.G.I., Escribanía, 772B (inédito).

Celestina = Fernando de Rojas (1993[1499]): La Celestina. Madrid: Cátedra [Ed. de Dorothy S. Severin].

DLNE = Concepción Company Company (ed.) (1994): Documentos lingüísticos de la Nueva España. México: UNAM.

Santo Domingo 1509 = Pleito de la Justicia Real contra Francisco de Solís acerca de la muerte del indio Francisquito. A.G.S., Diversos de Castilla, libro 45. María Beatriz Fontanella de Weinberg (coord.) (1993): Documentos para la historia lingüística de Hispanoamérica. Siglos xvi-xviii, Madrid: RAE, 7-12 [Anejo 53 del BRAE].

17. Apendices or annexes

If the contribution includes annexes or appendices, they must be placed after the bibliography and always starting a new page.

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The UAB provides users different recommendation options, which are the sole responsibility of the person sending the message. The UAB accepts no responsibility for the sending of unsolicited commercial mailings. Under no circumstances do we keep the recipient's email address. Likewise, batch sending of messages by users via these options is strictly prohibited, as is any commercial use.

6. Cookies

The UAB communicates to users, through this notice, that it uses cookies when the user accesses the different screens and pages that make up the site. The cookies used by the UAB are stored on the user's hard drive, but cannot read data contained thereon nor read the cookies created by other providers. The UAB uses cookies in order to recognize users who have registered and so as to offer them a better, more personalized service (the user's preferred language, etc.). They are also used to obtain completely anonymous information about access data (date, hour, minute, frequency, etc.), so as to be able to measure certain traffic parameters for the website itself and calculate the number of visits made, so that the UAB can focus and adjust the services offered most effectively. Despite this, the user may stop the generation of cookies by using the corresponding option offered by their browser. In this case, the website shall remain operative, but without the advantages offered for personalization.

7. Mailings

In compliance with article 21 of the Law on Information Society and E-commerce Services, which prohibits commercial mailings unless they have been expressly authorized by the recipients in advance, we hereby inform you that by accepting the terms of use and data protection policy, you expressly authorize informative, commercial, advertising and promotional mailings to the address provided. Nonetheless, if you do not wish to receive our commercial mailings, you can request cancellation following the instructions given in each mailing.

8. Modifications of this Data Protection Policy

This data protection policy was established on 5 May 2018. The UAB reserves the right to modify its data protection policy in future in accordance with its own criteria or due to a change in the legislation, jurisprudence or business practices. If the UAB introduces any changes, the new text shall be published on this same page, where the user is provided with information on the data protection policy. In any case, the relationship with users shall be governed by the regulations in force at the precise moment when they access the website and, as a result, they must be read every time users provide their data via our website.