Methodological rigor and philological research
In recent decades, technological advances have made extensive documentation available to us. But the philologist must be aware of the dangers of poor use of the documentary corpus in order to avoid creating dreaded ghost words. In this paper we recall the main sources of this type of error: folk etymology phenomena among speakers, copyists’ errors, transcribers’ errors in the interpretation of some abbreviations and graphic variants of the manuscripts, onomastic changes introduced by cartographers’ ignorance of linguistic variants, gaps in the dating of some documents, confusion in the processes of lemmatization and the evaluation of texts... All these sources of error contribute, to a greater or lesser degree, to the distortion or to the masking of the data on which the research of philologists is based. Hence the importance of philological rigour in the transmission and study of ancient texts.
Corpus linguistics, corpus annotation, ghosts wordsReferences
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